Compliance & whistleblowing system

We have been operating a compliance system for many years and have established orienting and binding guidelines for our conduct towards our customers and partners and also and towards our suppliers.

Acting and behaving with integrity is a fundamental concern of our business activities. Our principles include a constant review of our compliance system. 

With the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), the German legislator has implemented the EU's Whistleblower Directive 2019/1937 and stipulated the establishment of a whistleblower system. This gives persons in their professional context - i.e. employees, self-employed persons, shareholders, former employees or those whose employment relationship is just beginning, as well as third parties, contractors and suppliers - the opportunity to report violations of laws pursuant to section 3 para. 3 HinSchG in accordance with section 2 HinSchG.
Accordingly, in accordance with § 16 para. 1 HinSchG, we receive information from our employees, our customers and partners as well as our suppliers. 

If you report information that refers to

  • Violations of criminal laws,
  • violations of administrative offences punishable by a fine, if the violated norm serves to protect life, health or the rights of employees or their representative bodies,
  • Violations of legal provisions implementing European regulations, in particular: Regulations on combating money laundering and terrorism; requirements on product safety; regulations on the transport of dangerous goods; regulations on compliance with data protection and information security; regulations in the area of public procurement law and competition law,

you are free to contact us in writing via our company address and our compliance officer. Of course, you can also take him into your confidence in person by visiting him or calling him. Alternatively, you can use the online form, which enables anonymous and encrypted communication between whistleblowers and our compliance officer. If you prefer an anonymous whistleblower, you will of course not receive a personal reply.


The procedures for internal reporting and follow-up in accordance with § 8 HinSchG are implemented as follows:

  • We ensure that only authorised persons have access to your input and that your input is treated confidentially. This applies to the identity of the person making the report, persons who may appear in the content of the report and other persons named in the report. The disclosure of identities may only be made with the consent of the persons concerned. Exceptions are made in the case of pending criminal proceedings.
  • After receipt of the report, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within seven days at the latest.
  • Our Compliance Officer will receive the report, document it in compliance with the applicable law and remain in contact with you if you make yourself known. He or she will agree on and initiate follow-up measures in accordance with § 18 HinSchG, insofar as these are legally required or demanded. We allow a maximum of three months for this after receipt of the notice.
  • All incoming reports are documented in accordance with § 11 HinSchG, taking into account other legal provisions, including the follow-up measures.
  • After three years, the documentation is deleted, unless compliance with other legal provisions stipulates otherwise. 
  • Should you prefer an external reporting of an incident, please contact the competent state authority, which will take up corresponding investigations

Contact the Compliance Officer

We are available in person or by phone Monday through Thursday between 9am-4pm and Fridays between 9am-12pm.

Portraitfoto Karsten Bauer

Karsten Bauer

Wehdenweg 122
24148 Kiel
Show on Google Maps
+49 431 7270-250
Send an email

Digital whistleblowing system

Would you like to make a reference to legal violations in the company? Enter your questions and/or indications of misconduct here. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not enter any personal data, e.g. your name, or your relationship to the perpetrators. Also, do not provide any data that would allow conclusions to be drawn about you.

Confidential communication to compliance management:

Note: We use the personal data you provide exclusively for the purpose of technical administration of the websites and to fulfill your request. You can find detailed information on this in our privacy policy.